Dr. Tao Wang is a Research Professor in School of Computer Science in Peking University, and the director of the Laboratory for Affective and Cognitive Intelligent Robotics. He received B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Peking University in 1999 and 2006, respectively. He has published 80+ research papers, many of which were in top-conferences such as AAAI, MULTIMEDIA, IROS, IJCAI, ISCA, MICRO, HPCA, MobiCom, and MobiSys, and in premier journals including IEEE TC, IEEE TMC, IEEE TWC and IEEE TCAD. He has been authorized 20+ invention patents. He won Best Community Paper Award in MobiCom'17 (contributes the most to the broader research community), and some Best Paper Awards in other conferences. He won the award of “2008 Intel China Employee of the Year,” the highest individual award at Intel China. He also won many research/education awards in Ministry of Education and Beijing City. He is currently serving as the Secretary-General of Beijing Computer Federation. He also serves as an editorial board member of International Journal of Crowd Science, and an editorial board member of Electronics (Artificial Intelligence section). His current research interests are: computer achitecture, affective and cognitive computing, intelligent robot system, and system modeling.